Monthly Archives: July 2021

EU airlines are going green or at least greener

The EU is taking bold steps to reduce greenhouse gases created by the airlines. This is part of the ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative approved by the European Commission (EC) which requires EU-based airlines to use at least 2% of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2025, 5% by 2030 and then rise to 20% by 2035. Ultimately it would increase to 63% by 2050. In addition, airlines would be require to re-fuel during aircraft turn-arounds in the EU to prevent them from avoiding re-fueling at airports with SAF. The airlines state SAF can reduce emissions by 80% comparted to regular jet ......

By |2024-02-02T13:40:52-05:00July 26th, 2021|

Venice bans large cruise ships sailing through the city

After years of protests and discussion, the Italian government has issued its bans on cruise ships sailing through Venice’s Giudecca Canal. These ships dwarf the ancient city and create waves that erode underwater walls & undermine the supports holding up the city. Cruise ships have long been sailing through Venice on the Giudecca Canal passing St Marks Square and several historic cathedrals. Ban on most cruise ships starts August 1 Starting August 1, 2021, cruise ships will be banned from using the Guidecca Canal. Instead they will traverse a southern lagoon and dock near the mainland at the port ......

By |2024-02-02T13:40:53-05:00July 21st, 2021|

5 reasons why cruise fares are so high!

You may have noticed a significant rise in the price of cruise fares recently. We’ve been watching them rise since the resumption of sailing began over the last couple of months. There are several reasons for this increase and we’ll cover them all below. 1) Increased demand For most of us, its been nearly 18 long months of no cruise sailings and no vacations. This absence of cruises & vacations has caused demand to skyrocket as we are all ready to get out and start sailing again. Demand pushed up cruise line bookings by 30 – 40% this year ......

By |2024-02-02T13:40:54-05:00July 21st, 2021|

What is an EU digital Passenger Locator Form

NOTE: Italy no longer requires the digital Passenger Locator Form (dPLF). Check with the countries to see if they require it. Or if they re-instate it.Travelers to the EU may be wondering what a Passenger Locator is and why I need to complete it. Where do I find it and how do I complete it. This blog post will help to answer those questions.Recently EU  member countries required all travelers entering the EU to complete a Passenger Locator Form as part of their Covid-19 health regulations. It is  a system that facilitates EU countries in contract tracing cases ......

By |2024-02-02T13:40:55-05:00July 8th, 2021|
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