Frankfurt airport

The EU is taking bold steps to reduce greenhouse gases created by the airlines. This is part of the ReFuelEU Aviation Initiative approved by the European Commission (EC) which requires EU-based airlines to use at least 2% of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) by 2025, 5% by 2030 and then rise to 20% by 2035. Ultimately it would increase to 63% by 2050. In addition, airlines would be require to re-fuel during aircraft turn-arounds in the EU to prevent them from avoiding re-fueling at airports with SAF.

The airlines state SAF can reduce emissions by 80% comparted to regular jet fuel. However, IATA (airlines trade group) said, “The mandated use of SAF must not allow energy companies to engage in uncompetitive practices with the resulting high costs being borne by airlines and passengers.” The plan does include a variety of incentives and measures to encourage the development of more technology and expand the needed infrastructure to support the initiative.

The mandate is on the fuel supplier, not the airlines, so all flights departing the EU will covered.

The initiative seeks to reduce net greenhouse gas emission by at least 55% by 2030. The Initiative must still be approved by the European Parliament to become law.

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