Monthly Archives: May 2022

St-Paul-de-Vence – A must see medieval village

One of the many highlights of our Azamara cruise was our stop in Nice. While I’ll cover Nice in a separate article, here I want to talk about our excursion to Saint Paul de Vence – a visit I’d highly recommend. Vence or St Paul or Saint Paul de Vence (it has been referred to by all three names) has been called the “second most beautiful village in France,” and for good reason. It is a few miles from the coast and about a 45-minute drive from Nice. But let’s start with some history. History Much of the ......

By |2024-02-02T13:40:41-05:00May 20th, 2022|

Airfares are going up, up, up

Prices soar while demand softens If you have the sense that airline ticket prices are soaring, you'd be correct. The recent report from ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation) show air ticket sales totaled $7.7 billion in April 2022 which is an 156% increase year over year. This is the largest increase seen in over seven years. The average round-trip ticket cost rose to $585 in April, that is a 8% increase over March, and a 45% increase from April 2021. “April’s month-over-month sales and passenger totals are in line with pre-pandemic travel trends. We continue to monitor the impact ......

By |2024-02-02T13:40:42-05:00May 20th, 2022|
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