Trip Plans is one of the most popular services we provide you, our valued customer. The app will include your complete itinerary, day-by-day, as well as all your important travel documents. Simply follow the instructions below to install the app and add trips.
We strongly recommend you open the email on your smartphone – it makes life easier, trust me.
You can watch this video or follow the steps below:
We will explain how to download the Trip Plans App and sync an itinerary to the app. There are two possible ways or paths to sync the itinerary to the app. Please follow the steps below to learn how you can quickly download the mobile app and sync your trip to it!
? Start here: Where are you viewing the trip right now?
If you’re viewing your trip on a mobile device (iOS or Android), follow the steps below.
Step 1: View Your Trip Online
From email: Open the mail we sent you to view your trip, click the “View Trip” button in the email. You will be taken to your trip via a link.
From a URL: If we shared a link to view the trip, you can open the link and you’ll see your trip. (Below is a sample image of what you will see)
Step 2: Click “View in App” Button
Once you are viewing your trip, click the “App” button like the sample image above, otherwise, a pop-up notification will appear on the bottom of your screen asking if you want to view your trip in the app. You can press this option and you will be taken to the Google Play or App Story to download the Trip Plans mobile app.
Watch the video explainer below:
Step 3: Downloading The Trip Plans Mobile App
This is a free mobile app for you to download and use.
Step 4: Viewing Your Itinerary In The Trip Plans Mobile App:
Once downloaded, the Trip Plans mobile app will use the original magic link from your trip to automatically open the itinerary we sent you.
If you’re viewing your trip on a desktop computer, follow the steps below.
Step 1: View Your Trip Online
Once you are viewing your trip, click “App” on the top right-hand corner of your screen.
Step 2: Send a “Magic Link” to your email
You’re going to be asked to email a magic link to yourself so you can open the trip on your mobile device. Once you enter your email, click “Send Magic App Link”.
Step 3: Use your mobile device and check for “Magic Link” email
You will receive an email with the subject line “The Magic Link You Requested.” Open this email and click the “View in App” button within the email.
Follow these steps from above to download the Trip Plans app and view your trip.
How to Save a Trip to Your Trip Plans Account
Once you have viewed your trip in the Trip Plans mobile app. You’ll see an option to save the trip to your account.
Tap “Save to My Account” Button at the Top of Trip
2. Create or Log Into an Existing Account
Next, you will be brought to a new screen to create an account. If you already, have an account created with Trip Plans, you can tap “Already have an account” at the bottom.
Once you’ve done these steps, your trip will be saved! Your Trip Plans account will display all of the trips you’ve been invited to.